
Support the Chinese Church and Help Us Spread the Gospel

请与我们 side us to reach Chinese communities with the Gospel of Jesus

"我每逢想念你们, 就感谢我的神。每逢为你们众 人祈求的时候,常是欢欢喜喜地祈求,因为从头一 天直到如今,你们是同心合意地兴旺福音。" 使徒保罗 


When you Partner with us, we’re in this together, and together we’re taking the uncompromised Word of God around the globe reaching all Chinese speaking people and beyond. 

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Heart of Vision Ministries is an approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All gifts and donations are tax deductible.

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+1 (888) 318-9088

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lifespring chinese church in colorado springs co