Privacy Policy


This Policy is provided to inform you of the ways Heart of Vision collects, uses, stores, transfers and discloses your personal information. In addition, when you purchase an item or make a donation Heart of Vision collects financial information necessary to complete your transaction, including but not limited to credit card number or account number. We will not store this information once your transaction has completed, and at no point do we take custody of or store your financial information in house.

By providing your information, you agree to your personal information being processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time.


When you purchase an item from our online store, submit a prayer request, or sign up for an online offer, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address. This enables us to fulfill your order or request, and provide you additional support as needed.

When you visit our sites, we receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address. This is used in order to provide us with information about your browser and operating system, in order to help us better improve the experience for all of our users.


On occasion, Heart of Vision may ask you to provide personal information. We require this information to create an account, submit a request to us, become a partner, and make a purchase or donation. Such information can include your name, address, phone number, email address or credit card information.   Heart of Vision limits the personal information it collects to that which is reasonable under the circumstances, and we only collect this information with your consent.   We use your personal information for the purposes we state or imply when it is collected. We will only share your personal information in the interest of public safety or as required by law.

IMPORTANT: We will not sell or rent your personal information.

For emails, you may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on an “unsubscribe” link which is offered at the bottom of the emails we send, or email us at info@heartofvision.orgwith your request to be unsubscribed.

In all communications, you may withdraw your consent anytime, by emailing us at


Heart of Vision takes all reasonable steps to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information. We protect the personal information within our custody or control with appropriate organizational, technological, and physical safeguards.

We store personal information in electronic and physical files that are secure, and our security measures include secure on- and off-site storage, restricted access to records and data, password protocols, and encryption and security software. We conduct audits and monitor compliance with our privacy practices. If you live outside of the United States, please be aware that you are sending your information to the United States where our servers are located. We will protect it with same protocols as listed in this policy.

Heart of Vision takes all reasonable steps to protect the security and confidentiality of your personal information.

Heart of Vision retains personal information only for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. Legal requirements, however, may require us to retain some or all the personal information we hold for a period of time that is longer than that for which we might otherwise hold.


If you choose a direct payment gateway to complete your purchase, our processor stores your credit card data. It is encrypted through the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction data is stored only as long as is necessary to complete your purchase transaction. After that is complete, your purchase transaction information is deleted.

All direct payment gateways adhere to the standards set by PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which is a joint effort of brands like Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure handling of credit card information by our store and its service providers.

NOTE: At no point during the transaction does Heart of Vision take custody or store your credit card information in-house. This is process is monitored and managed by our payment processor.


In general, the third-party providers used by us will only collect, use, retain and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us.

However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways and other payment transaction processors, have their own privacy policies in respect to the information we are required to provide to them for your purchase-related transactions.

For these providers, we recommend that you read their privacy policies so you can understand the way your personal information will be handled by these providers.

Once you leave our store’s website or are redirected to a third-party website or application, you are no longer governed by this Privacy Policy or our website’s Terms of Service.


When you click on links on our store or site, they may direct you away from our site. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites and encourage you to read their privacy statements.


To protect your personal information, we take reasonable precautions and follow industry best practices to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed.

If you provide us with your credit card information, we use secure socket layer (SSL) encryption to protect the transmission of information when submitting online contributions or product orders through our shopping cart. Although no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is 100% secure, we follow all PCI-DSS requirements and implement additional generally accepted industry standards.


Heart of Vision uses cookies to enhance your Web viewing experience and measure our Web site usage. We also use tracking pixels (i.e. Google Analytics) to aid in measuring and tracking where our website traffic is coming from and to track the performance of our site.

For the purpose of improving our website, so that we are in better position to service your requests. We partner with Google Analytics. They collect information including IP Address and information from cookies. Information about what they collect and how they use it can be found here. You can also opt out of Google Analytics by installing their browser add-on.


It is not our intent, nor do we knowingly collect information children’s personal information. Users under the age of 16 should ask a parent or guardian for permission to use our website and online resources.


We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.


If you would like to access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, register a complaint, or simply want more information, you may do so by submitting your request to

Heart of Vision Ministries
PO Box 51011
Colorado Springs CO, 80949

+1 (888) 318-9088

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