

As I came before the Lord this morning in prayer, in my endeavors to know Him better, I simply sat there in His presence very much satisfied with being his child. As I thought about being in Christ and being one with God, I tried to just focus on our relationship together. I sensed a … Read more

I called you friend.

This morning I got up to pray; I had done something that I was not proud of, and I wanted to make things right with the Lord. I had already confessed them to the Lord, but the joy and relationship was not quite up to par. I felt that we needed to talk. After spending … Read more

Destine to the Throne

Putting things in proper perspective It is so important that we learn to live in two worlds at the same time. It is said by some that a person can be so heavily minded, that they are no earthly good. But by the same token, one can say that it is equally wrong to be, … Read more

Heart of Vision Ministries
PO Box 51011
Colorado Springs CO, 80949

+1 (888) 318-9088

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